We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Warning! Graphic -- Violence, Domestic Abuse

I just watched the video "LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE" by Eminem featuring Rihanna with actors Megan Fox and Dominic Monahgan.  It is a raw truth domestic violence exists.  I will be watching this video with my daughter later.  I just made me stop and think how ashamed persons must feel; to know how emotions; love, hate, fear, desire, and confusion can over-ride good judgement and cause two people to react violently or live in the cycle of abuse.  There are cuss words in this and the lyrics are written in such a way -- sounds like a man grappling with his own inner demons trying to understand why he lashes out.  The woman also is violent and disrespectful the man.  I never condone domestic assualt however, I do not feel it right when someone knows which buttons to push to cause another to lose control.  I also think as a mother to Saenz and Zephyr, I am going to talk to them about walking away.  No one ever has the need to put hands on other to harm them or vice vera. 

Either way, I think Eminem is working from his own experience and should be commended for bringing this topic to light.  Normally, I see all the 'talk shows' from the woman's point of view. 


Lyrics can be found here:

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