Today's main lessons were on the science of perserving food, the history surrounding preservation of food, and the social impact if there was a time of crisis say drought, famine, or war. For our classroom experiment; we used top sirlon steak sliced milanese thin, I sliced into uniform strips, the boys made a marinade , mix meat and marinade, let mixture rest, and then put into the dehydrator.
We also covered other preservation methods like: fermination canning, freezing, dehydrating, sun drying, and vacuum sealing. Next, we make powdered egg from already scrambled and then reverse the process. It's really simple an easy enough for a child to do almost himself. NOTE: MOM will scramble the eggs before hand for safety reasons.
Our almost finished product inside the Nesco.
Day 9 of our seed growth. We have progress. I am guessing cilantro but, time will tell.
Let's see today we covered: Phantom Tollbooth at story time, Addition, Averaging, Measurements, Science, History, Social Issues and had some Physical Education earlier. All this happened within three hours of actual learning time and it was not a pressured day. Now, everyone is milling about before I take one of them with me to start making dinner for Dad. It is such a beautiful day in our slice of heaven!