She was so tangled; he started using scissors while I, with one hand full of a towel with new hatched, wet chicks held its tail. After a few minutes with my eyes adjusting; I took the chicks back inside to get a better pair of scissors, knife and plus get boots on
-- why am I always in slip on shoes when things like this happen? So back outside I go while he is still trying to free her. Zephyr is there with us too, in his boots but little else and I am worried she will strike from pain and fear at anything near her.
Can you see the moon peeking through the clouds in front of it?
Hats off to my husband! You have made great strides with learning about animals and being a champion of care. Each day you surprise me with small acts of kindness (JUST NOT TOWARD OBAMA -- you two are both so stubborn ~;>) and hard work.
Thoughts from inside the coop....
I'd like to think that I could do the same if I found a snake trapped in my yard. Then afterwards I'd make sure no snake ever came in again. I'm sure Seanz will understand the difference.
That's a beautiful photo of the moon.
Howdy Jen! I hope your move has you settled in well? I think my conscience would have bothered me to no end to not help the snake. It was in so much pain and was afraid. You would not be able to walk away either; you mother instinct would have kicked into overdrive. Much Love, Mal
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