We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why? A day of mourning

I am so weary of war. I ache for my fallen brothers and sisters in arms.

I just don't understand why our leaders feel the need to grow their coiffers off the blood of those who serve their country.

I really am saddened by the events at Fort Hood and shore up my raw heart, mind and, soul for the next time. I truly believe there will be more violence.

Another story I am conflicted about is the DC sniper's execution today. I just don't understand the violence. Have I felt violent enough to physically harm another. YES

Have I acted on it? NO

DO I BELIEVE multiple killings commited by a person should get them the death penalty? Undecided.............

DO I believe in duty, honor, integrity, service, tradition, excellence with every fiber of my being.



SILENCE FOR THE FALLEN...........................

During Ft Hood's Final Roll Call