We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What just pissing in the wind

But I don't need a primer to tell me what to think or feel about any political party but I got one in an email sent to me. Especially, if family and friends happen to be Republicans. This email kinda torqued my ass because for one; I don't need or want a committee telling me about their OWN SUBJECTIVE views on how others think, believe, act or react.

Personally, in my humble opinine. We are all granted the right to believe as we see fit. This email I got today just pisses me off.


(Dems, Repubs,Lefties, Right Wingers, Blue DAWGS, Red Necks, Hilly Billies, Socialists, Green Peeps --- what ever the hell the dog drags in.)

TO LAY DOWN their sabers and pick up cutlery appropriate to the season.
the email is below

"Malissa --

If your family is anything like our families, turkey and stuffing won't be the only thing being served up this year at Thanksgiving. Sooner or later that one Republican relative we all have sitting at the other end of the table is bound to bring up politics.

To make sure you're ready, we wanted to bring you our special Thanksgiving edition of @Stake.

Thanksgiving Cheat Sheet

Just in case your Republican friends or relatives at Thanksgiving try to repeat anything they've heard from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or by reading Sarah Palin's Facebook page, we wanted to help you respond with the truth."

Download our Exclusive Thanksgiving 'Cheat Sheet' to ensure that you're ready to respond with the real facts, should any Republicans at your turkey day feasts try to do their best Glenn Beck impersonation.

August Town Halls All Over Again?

Now that the House has passed health insurance reform, the right-wing fringe is going all out to attack Democrats who voted yes while they are home in their districts for Thanksgiving break. Even worse, they're hoping to use the same town hall tactics we saw this summer. Help us fight back.

Don't let Thanksgiving become another August. Please give a generous contribution to our Emergency Health Care Rapid Response Fund today to help Democrats fight back against the lies and attacks by right-wing 'tea party' activists.


This holiday season, you can avoid the mall crowds while helping Democrats fight back against the Republican lies and fear-mongering at the same time. MyDemocraticStore.com gives you the chance to purchase great Democratic merchandise from books, to apparel, to fleece blankets and more. Your purchases will support Democrats under attack by the right-wing fringe for supporting President Obama's agenda for change.

Shop today at MyDemocraticStore.com and save 50% off your second item using coupon code DCCCSTORE2XHALFA.

From all of us at the DCCC, please have a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving and stay tuned for the next edition of @Stake. Thank you again for driving and supporting House Democrats' agenda to keep America moving forward.


Jon Vogel

DCCC Executive Director"

or the requests for donations?


Sharon said...

All I can say is Jeez Louise!

Have a pleasant Thanksgiving!

Nekkid Chicken said...

LOL am I a tad cranky or what?

Thanks! You too sugar bean. ~;>