We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My FUEL for School Purchase: 13.96

Yesterday, I purchased for the cash back / rebate program I spoke of earlier Kellogs/Dell/Keebler's FUEL FOR SCHOOL:

4 boxes of Pop Tarts (8 cnt), 2 Yogo RollUps, 3 Austin Crackers (36 pkts, 1 Big Box of Cheezits before coupons: $18.96

After deducting manufacturer's coupons. $13.96 (5 coupons for $1 off)

Sent in the rebate form filled out, with receipt, and proof of purchase.

Now begins the 8 week wait (UP TO) for $10 back from Kelloggs and $70 coupon code from DELL. This blog is my way of keeping both companies HONEST.

So, my investment in this experiment is only $13.96 plus .88 for stamps or



Thoughts from inside the coop.......

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