We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Dad!

Zephyr with the first dozen chicken tamales ready to steam.

Zephyr showing mommie how to frost Dad's cookie cake.

Saenz giving mom a very reluctant smile just for Dad's big day.

Santa's helpers busy at work.

Dad's cookie cake the boys made and decorated. However, I believe we should stop and give thanks. To our Creator and honor this season with wishes of happiness, joy, peace and good will towards all people.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Merry Christmas. Amen.