We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Friday, August 24, 2012

New School Year and Other Jetsam

 We celebrated the start of our third year of home schooling by going to the movies to see Para Norman.  The kids loved the idea we go to movies as a field trip.  Here Sarah & Zephyr (3rd graders) are poised before another advertisement at the theater.  Don't you think Zeph is adorable in his 3D glasses?
(image gotten from Amazon website)
Our family has been investing in electronics this year to ease our dependence on cable television.  I am happy to report we are streaming our television through the net using the AppleTV.  Netflix is awesome as well as HULU.  No more cable bills or commercials; we are definitely getting off the tether of modern television.  One of the best investments we have made.

(image gotten from Amazon website)
The next item I chose was this 10" Coby Kyros tablet.  Let me tell you, I am enamored.  Now I can check my emails where ever I happened to be since, we have WIFI setup in our home.  So far, I have gotten Saenz a similiar version just smaller.  Next, Sarah and Zephyr will have their own to use for school and appointments out of the house.  These are definitely worth the price.  I would not suggest the smaller 7 inch version for those with poor eyesight.  There are keyboard covers that actually make typing a breeze.  Also, Amazon and other sites have free apps (games, music, ebooks, etc....) that are easy to load basically making the laptop & desktop obsolete.  These tablet devices are the certain 'Killer App' of the future.

Now on to so personal thoughts and musings.  We now have welcomed both grown sons back into our home.  The economy is tough; they looked for work for six months in San Antonio while on unemployment.  Even fast food jobs that were available did not afford them the ability to live on their own.  Rents and housing has doubled the last year or so due to the oil & gas boom.  It is nice though after dinner to sit out back and watch the sunset as a family.  Both boys are employed and are contributing to our household.  So while our home is now quite busy and noisey; we don't mind.

What are ya'lls thoughts on the economy? I still say this is no longer a recession but an actual fiscal depression begining with the down turn in 2007.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Don't Know About Ya'll

But I think this world has gone off its rocker. I just don't understand this society because I grew up in a world of folks worked their tails off with little time for play or wrong doing.

Here are some things that chap my arse:

1.  Romney doesn't have to release his tax returns because he doesn't have to by law. I will not however support a man that is not open and honest about his personal finances. Why you ask?  Simple, after 20 years of living under the rule of law that encouraged my financial responsibility at risk of jail time, loss of rank, loss of job, and loss of benefits.  I just can not support a man who would hide behind the guise of being a private citizen when he is trying to become the leader of the free world. 

2. Chic-a-Fila: Never liked their sandwiches to begin with but, I will not go to a staged sit in or protest kiss in because really we are missing the point.  The owner of that business does not support gay marriage.  That is fine and good; I do not support a business that denies everyone equal rights.  I spend my monies where I want.

Now, here is where I have another problem with this controversy.  I worked in a industry that denied rights to gay peoples for 20 years.  I am fully aware because of all those who served silently because I too kept secrets for the good of a few.  The gay and lesbians I worked with, it is their good deeds that lead to the military being an all inclusive workplace now.  However, the military will almost certainly still discriminate against other persons due to some idealogical or physical reason.  That is just the nature of being in the military.

3.  I fully support the right to own or carry a weapon legally.  I do not however, think we as a whole have the right to arm ourselves with weapons capable of killing and injuring dozens of people who are exercising their right to: worship, attend a rally or entertainment venue.  What the hell is wrong with our folks?  I know there are many arguments to be had on this subject.  I just feel that if our system of mental health care system was available for all citizen then; maybe we would not be having 8,000 people killed a year by gun violence.   I see how those in Syria are being slaughtered by their government.  How is this any different than the people who lose their live in the United States every day?

4.  Personal responsibility or the lack thereof:
This is what I see when dealing with folks today.  No one understands that -- the mistakes or judgements one makes in his/her 20s and beyond, will follow him/her forever. I keep telling our older sons; what you do now in your life will follow you everywhere.  It seems our society has forgotten this concept.  Personally, I am taking it upon myself to break this cycle and teach Saenz & Zephyr to do things right the first time, work hard, expect nothing for free, follow the rules, question authority respectfully and admit when they screw something up.

So what do ya'll think?
///Steps off Egg Crate///
Chicken Momma

PS.  It is nice to be back!