We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Just Another Day

     This morning, my friend Mrs. Lily came over to take me into town for blood work.  (Remember I no longer have a car.)  We caught up on all the latests family news between us. 

Let me tell ya'll something.

     Have you taken a look around?  Spring is breathing life into us here.  While I did not stop to take pictures of the fields of wildflowers especially now with blue bonnets blooming in mass. The entire countryside here is now green with grass up to a foot high.
Meet Yolandra; she took the required vials of blood. 
Next Tuesday, I will find out if I am living or not.

     I am loving this new med for bipolar it is called Symbyax.  This has been the first time in my adult life that a medication has not made my brain feel like it was floating away from my body, made me jumpy, caused suicidal thoughts, or so hyper (just what a person with rapid cycling needs) I was climbing the walls.  I know it is supposed to take 2 weeks for one of these types of meds to build up and help the patient but, I noticed a difference after four days.  Especially now, I can sleep regular hours and feel like cleaning house.  

     Some folks with bipolar can not function well because of lack of sleep. No joke, I could go 4 days or more some times back in my 20s with sleep (I was single then). Those times were not bad if; I was doing something like crocheting a baby blanket which I would finish in a night or say read a book or two.  One of the best things I have learned and I will contribute it to my mom's form of discipline was/is how to compartmentalize emotions, thoughts, anger, anxiety, or energy -- and just do tasks.  This was how I functioned at work.

     I could be doing my work but, inside my head, I would literally being doing or thinking a dozen things not even aware my fingers were moving.  Bi-polar helped me acutally 'copy' Morse code, listen to music, read and talk to peers all at the same time.  I credit my bipolar with my uncanny recall because I remember most things or conversations and have a rigid sense of right and wrong.  What helped me most besides medication was working out, going dancing in clubs, and then later having children.  These things would draw me out of my head focus on my own selfish ideas, dreams, and inner conversations.

     If a person with bipolar can get out of their head and silence all the din and inner turmoil; he or she will find they can function. Any ways, that is just my opinion from personal experience.  I do not have a medical degree.

     I did want to pass on a website I have come to love because the writer is seriously fuuny about politics.

And thanks Mrs. Lily!  I enjoyed our visit and the ride into town.  I am off to hop around some blogs now.

Take care all who pass here.


Sharon said...

Yes, Spring has sprung quite early this year. Looking for 80s for the next week, a bit soon I am afraid, I wonder what/who will suffer from such an early start?

Glad you found medication that works without the fuzzy feeling


Judy's Corner said...

Spring has also sprung here, Mal, and we are scurrying around trying to catch up with all of the must-do's before gardening is upon us!

Sounds as if you had a really nice time and I am happy to hear you are finding the new meds work!