We Are Deep In the Heart of Texas

Nomadic seasons of farming adventures with nature thrown in to include; a pinch of family, snippets of friends, counting our blessings, paying IT forward, home school, and the spicy things I decide to rant about.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

So I Decided to Do a Thing

   I have always heard that a raising tide lifts all boats. What a load of horseshit that is.  It is not true; everyone doesn't have a boat, can swim or lives near water.  FFS What is wrong with people? 

   I however, cannot expect change to happen without getting uncomfortable and doing the work to make change happen.  So, I ran for County Party Chairman.  Now, I am it; new on the job, learning how to be a politician and work well with others.  Should be easy right?  Nothing is further from the truth. We have become so divided as a country; I don't know how we are going to unite again and that unison always seems to come under grave threat to our country during national emergencies.

    We all are guilty of maligning or labeling the other side as deficient in some area like intellect or moral character.  What I have learned is in my county in the reddest of red soup bowls; I am not alone searching for other blue dots.  This will be my first election as a judge and worker.  By chance, I have with phone calls,Twitter, Facebook made progress in learning my new job.  I am also going to build a "continuity book" so, the person that proudly signs up for county party chair will have a blue print and know when and what to do. 

   With all of this; love another because most are just trying to live their best life. Now please get out and vote. I really don't want to read other Inspector General reports about how terribly our government are treating detainees, immigrants or prisoners. Our Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the future of our great grandchildren at risk.  

Love, peace and joy
Look up the moon and Venus align tonight. 
Nekkid Chicken